Why? It's a very nice chocolate factory camouflage. :sunglasses:
OK, a little conversion. When you have a large enough pile of unpainted models, you begin to forget what you have already bought and what has not....
I thought it was a mispack, but if you also have two hoods, apparently one is spare. If you look closely, the hole on the inside of the hood fits...
Something what looks like a flat triangular hood should go to the hacker's back. I'll take a photo after work.
You can use Tskmasters Red Fury. Each nomad player can have one spare. [IMG]
Gunnm (銃夢, literally "gun dream"), also known as Battle Angel Alita in its English translated versions. And I think she was named Gally (ガリィ) in...
Duble post, sorry.
I am not sure but I think card sleeves also have to be 1 wave. The rest of adds in 2 wave.
I just wached it yesterday. :sunglasses:
I'm not sure, but it seems to me that CB mentioned that the new ninja will be mercenaries available in the core armies. I think it was mentioned...
Maybe SoF box, 3 x Bolts, new Dronbot box, and nice fat Kriza Borac? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And this :sunglasses: [IMG] Tomcat engineer
I have god hand, but it stil push legs as clipers do, so I cut tabs exactly like you. :sunglasses:
And chainguns used by everyone are from Yu Jing.
And if you need glue, you will ask for Nomads. :sunglasses:
Kickstarter models are unique, so general relases will have alternative pose .
Unfortunately, nobody knows about it, because Tohaa are also experts in blaming others ... :sunglasses:
As You wish :kissing_smiling_eyes::grinning:
You also can do nothing, and add it in pledge manager later. In first case You will pay for core and Outcasts at the end of kickstarter, in...
There is Tohaa ally (Vaarah Zaandar) in mision 1. :sunglasses: I know, I know not as good as character, but always something. Fun fact: when I...