The REM in the tall grass looks like they're hunting their prey, like some lions, I really like the render. Great army you have here! And that...
What I am saying is that they have everything we do have in term of profiles for the shared units, plus the core, but yeah Availability is the...
Your list does have some MSV, you've got two MSV1 with the Guilangs, so the list is even better that you say \o/ Btw I will probably try it too,...
That would be great. I don't see why Dashat should have every profiles we have for the units that we share now. I mean, IA is a State army with...
I like this idea a lot! And now that we have seen how our TinBot is looking, that would give a funny duo on the battlefield, like a father and son...
Oh ok, i did not catch that, no problem! I have learned something then. I was proposing lemon because we're playing an Asiatic faction, and,...
I have to say I'm not very sure how to take this, the "pear reviews" part especially. I'm sorry if I've disturbed anyone due to my lack of...
Yeah this is a big mistake from me, I thought there was no possibility to shoot back someone in smoke whitout VMS but I'm wrong on it, I'll edit...
Smoke is where you want to put your Hsien, the guy can shoot through it due to his VMS2 while being untouchable by anything that hasn't the same...
@Sedral Thanks for the list too. I know you're right... I did run this Haris one time and it got destroyed by a Cutter first turn and I never...
I don't expect to win a lot, but I hope to explode some things at the least.
Thanks @Knauf for your lists! I will cogitate a little around them, but they looks great, I might try one of them, but don't know which one yet....
With the last Army update for TAGs, I would like to run this Haris in one of my lists for the upcoming Merovingian tounament in France, but with...
WTF is this ?? I wasn't sure I would buy Taï Sheng but now how can I resist ?? Honestly, I think that I am gonna play him as her. That is the...
Anaconda got his price increased too. I'm glad our TAG haven't got this price treatment. But I'm kinda sad every one got TacAware, it would have...
Every TAG is now buffed with permanent Fatality lvl1 and Tac Awareness (you can see it on Army). The Guija's price doesn't change. I may try him...
The old Hsien (the one from the previous ISS starter set) is the mini that brought me into Yu Jing. There was something about his helmet, it...
The Lu Duan has one, but I believe the canon looks the same as the Karakuri version :T I'm not completely sure, however.
Seeing it on my phone, I was thinking it was due to the camera angle, but I'm not sure anymore... He really looks like someone who can headbutt...
Yes, I knew this but since it's 3 guys in two teams... Ok I admit I completly forgot that point when writting my previous post so thanks for the...