Ugh, that sounds terrible to me, no thank you. Also, I have a tight budget, I don't have $30,000 to blow on a gimmick for my tabletop gaming. (A...
Ditto on Penthesilea. She is so versatile with good speed, and an array of good equipment. She doesn't dominate, but is a threat to anything on...
True, but I think this is one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. If they did create a more natural variation in body...
Neko Oyama, and Valkyrie would like to have a word with you.
While the concept is dumb, this one is better than Joan with tactical molester, because this one looks like it could be fixed with a head swap.
I understand that the break from reality creates an immersive dissonance for you and others when viewing unrealistic armor. Personal, I get a...
I am interested, and will definitely be keeping an eye on this one. I am not a fan of kickstarters, but it is not a deal breaker for me. It...
Some good guesses on nationalities, but what about roles? From left to right I see leader/generalist support doctor/engineer tank/heavy close...
Maybe not just dolphins. I can totally see CrazyKoalas piloted by uplifted dogs (They just want to be friends! No one told them their equipment...
Not a fan of kickstarter, but I understand the business sense around using it. I will definitely be keeping my eye on this one, I am intrigued,...
Well, while we are on the subject of work wtf's. My wife has been working part time for a local agency. Her boss came to talk to her, and...
So with the rework to Guard that came in Daedelus' Fall, I find myself taking another look at Andromeda. Huge base, but a nice package of skills....
Thanks for all the work on this, nice to have it in once place.
It is also possible that Aleph is supporting both sides. Having agents on both sides of the conflict gives greater situational awareness. Aleph...
I guess I don't play the Tohaa often enough, I forgot they don't have drones. (or anything else all the other factions have) Ariadna's drones...
I am going to throw my speculation hat into the ring with a drone/bike racing game. Bikes have been expanded to nearly all factions, and every...
Buildings look awesome, nice colors! Can't really offer advice on the terrain tiles. Of the ones shown, the black one seems easier on the eyes,...
Kit-bashing: some kits are designed with interchangeable parts, but there is a noticeable drop in sculpt quality/design when compared to a sculpt...
!?! I am floored. When I first started my job, my password was my first name. Everyone's password was their first name. I was not very popular...
I am sorry you have not been enjoying the game as much lately, and I partially agree with some of your points, however this is a bridge too far....