I find it funny how many of us Wargame nerds also work in IT, (Both officially, and Unofficially) You have to make that a selling point. I tell...
That is a lot of gum containers. Looks very cool though.
The power of the label maker can be an overwhelming experience and lead some to the dork side . . .
However this assumes the game company has reasonable prices. If company A's product costs twice as much as company B's suspicously similar...
A tank scenario could be fun. I hope Section9 can find a copy of what he is looking for. But as a regular edition to Infinity, it would totally...
Maybe. The game already has Sepistor, which should be right terrifying to battlefield soldiers. Infinity does already have a morale like mechanic...
I think terror weapons loose a lot of their oompf, when you know you have a cube, and can be brought back to life.
Speaking of names, my father had a different problem. My grandfather was very frugal, and didn't like to waste, and apparently that extended to...
The table looks awesome! I would love to play on it.
Except those exclusives don't add to SKU bloat, and since they are limited production, likely they go through slightly different channels and...
Corvus Belli doesn't own hexagons and scifi. I like Corvus Belli miniatures, but if other manufacturers can make miniatures of similar quality...
Awesome stuff, very inspiring.
I would if it always happened in the same place, but I have about 15 kilometers of different country roads I drive, depending on where I am going....
Rolling in a box is good. Dice towers are better, they eliminate any of the soft rolling techniques for getting the results you want. (These...
You 'City Folk' and your parking drama. Me I face a different problem. I live in the country, just outside a medium sized city. What I get to...
I recently picked up 'Fell Seal; Arbiter's Mark' from steam. Tactical grid-based RPG that might finally be the spiritual successor to Final...
I am at a loss for words. I want to say something, but nothing would be enough.
That is what the baggage bots are for.
Why, this is why; I am giving you my opinion, that I feel your premise is flawed. I don't think RF transmitters, and table displays are a...
It is a matter of perspective. You like the idea, I do not. Even if all the RF transmitters, smartphones and screen-tables were provided for me...