If you have the money, some MDF terrain pieces might be perfect for your 'Forbidden City'. I am too cheap/poor to have had any experience with...
Cautiously optimistic. I wonder how often the rules will be 'bastardized' "Ok, we are going to play N4, but with C1 hacking rules." Or some...
There is no such thing as a finished miniatures project. Even if you get everything assembled, painted, based, touched up, and assuming you don't...
Haqqislam board, makes me think desert, makes me think water tanks. You could probably scratch build some out of old packaging, soda cans, or...
The issue I have discovered is not so much moving through windows, but shooting through windows. If you have a realistic number of windows, and...
Are you looking for a classy or trashy bar name? "Meat Space" "The Black Hole" "Joe's" "Rocking Casbah" "Shots Fired" "Spinal Tap" "Wet Work"...
I was wanting to add some realistic details to my buildings to add to the immersion, and so I went to look at real buildings. I saw something...
Maybe it is a cultural thing? Maybe it is immodest for a female Morat to show her face? (Abs? fine. Face? big nope.)
If one of my players presented me with such an awesome piece. I would find away to use it, no matter how many rules I had to bend or break to...
I've tinkered a lot with game mechanics, including working on my own RPG design (along with almost every other nerd out there). Sometimes you...
Matters of opinion and preferences, but I much prefer a well-made physical book over a pdf anyday. Don't get me wrong pdf has its advantages, but...
I used the Malifaux Hired Swords box. The geisha girls as Karakuri bots. The others fill in as Keisotsu. I went with a heavy Aragoto cyber-punk...
Interesting note. It sure seems to me that, based off some design choices, Aleph self-identifies as female. Somehow the robo-boobs made it on...
Everybody has the basic remote package, Aleph's come with climbing plus, which is pretty significant. I find the comment on Posthumans...
If you want another TAG, just take Asura HD+ and borrow the enemy's TAG . . . On a more serious note, I would like to see some slight changes to...
I feel like we have covered most of the obvious topics, so lets move on to some really crazy ideas. What if the order system was decoupled from...
The Spotlight program is a thing.
One thing I will say for sure, watching how other game companies have gone . . . I have a pretty high confidence that N4 will be pretty solid out...
I think the crit mechanic works well when the average soldier is only throwing 2-3 dice, but with the ease of getting 4-5 dice these days, I feel...
Not to dispute your point, but I feel like there is a good chance GenCon artificially inflates the occurrences of crazy buggers.