At the risk of being political, it is marriage itself that has become a parody. All government marriage should be abolished. If you are an...
This time of year you can find alot of cheapy pine trees at hobby shops and dollar stores. They tend to have 'snow' on them, and are not as high...
I think your building does look good, but if you want smooth futuristic curves your going to need to work in other materials. For cylinders and...
You have put a lot of work into that building and it looks good. However, while pink foam is good for building up landscapes, and rocks, I don't...
The thing I hate most about the Tech bee is that fugly crabbot she is lumped with. I like the Tech bee, but she does feel out of place in PanO, I...
Amazing looking table! Awesome work. It needs a little more scenery pieces for an infinity game, it looks a little empty to me. Some barrels...
I have to reiterate what others have said about the miniatures and table, catch their eye first. If they start asking about the game play be...
I am disappointed to see the Hospitaller/Magister link go. Also sad to see the Fusilers removed. I am most excited about the spillover...
I get what your saying, but I kinda disagree. We prevent that from happening in infinity. Don't play "that guy". If a TO allows it to avoid...
I can't possible see how you could read that quote any other way. It is also a more enjoyable way of playing the game. Also you might have been...
Helot fillets. Also Ganymede rock lobsters
The real question is what kind of fried foods does Infinity have? Thanks to the Fat Yaun Yaun, we know noodles are a thing. (Does anyone have a...
I mean, I have no reason to believe men are any better at parking then women, but unsupported data is unsupported data. We need some scientist to...
I think most players play for all three reasons. They might weight factors differently, but for a game as complex and expensive as infinity, I...
I think the 'It's not your list, it's you." Came from a time when the elephant in the room (GW) very much could have a game won in the list...
Yes I work in IT as well, I have had users 'delete' a program. I once had a department head (someone with admin access to their local file...
Nicely done!