StarCo is a step up in hacking from CJC, but a step down from the rest of Nomads. I know one guy who is picking up StarCo that don't run any...
Pitchers are a bit unreliable though. Really wish they had at least Disposable (3) instead of (2). Smart Missile is an option that I don't...
There is no easy answer to a properly supported unit that probably accounts for over 25% of your opponent's points. There really shouldn't be....
Cybermask should not be taken lightly. It wins games, including one I played two nights ago. An EVO can be good if you are running a lot of...
Alg Missile Launcher is 15pts 1.5SWC. When I was playing CJC and the meta looked heavy, I would put 2 in a link and keep a Zondbot connected to a...
Different strokes. Unless I build my list specifically for an EVO I find them of marginal use. I'm not fond of AHDs either. Oblivion is the...
A Hacking Device Plus isn't just a Hacking Device with 3 upgrades (4 for Uhahu). You get access to level 2 Claw and Shield programs as well....
Spetsnaz BSG is going to be my Raoul. Jethro is going to be my Brawler Sniper. Kazak dudes from Ariadna Starter will be Brawlers as needed till...
I'm leaning toward the Kazak Intel Spec Op as my Hardcase. Not all Americans love the cowboy shtick. The Desperados make me throw up in my mouth...
I was more a fan of the Wildcat Lt in CJC. Obvious, yes, but easy enough to hide in a Haris. There was always the slim chance (It did happen for...
She could use a buff, but she's not in the "why would you ever" territory. As with most things in Infinity, if you want to take her you can make...
Irmandinho is pretty much a no brainer. I'm a big fan of the Spitfire Tsyklon to remove tough models. I always take one. Even if all it does is...
The Corregidor box is less an "Army Box" and more of a bundle.
So, I'm apparently the only person excited to be using the MR/LFT Brigada LT. That's interesting. Yes, he will die. He always does. That's why...
Emily can FO out to 48" on a 14 base with the X-visor. She doesn't need anyone to mark targets for her. Granted it's not as easy as when she is...
Vanilla Nomads is my main and likely will continue to be. StarCo is second. I like both pain trains (and I never run pain trains). Love the...
Still torn about Avi in the link. Her 6" Cautious Move, WIP, and NWI/Doctor shenanigans made her a great objective grabber. However, I can also...
I think my issue with HI LTs is that I want to move my heavies forward and get a return on that point cost. I don't feel comfortable doing that...
You're most likely going to lose that Naga to an unopposed ARO though, because I will always have at least a second hacker. Trading a 30pt model...
My fear of KHDs comes from running the Interventor KHD myself, who is brutal to Hackers and Assault Hackers. Something tells me that we will be...