How about a list consisting solely of knights/HI and don’t activate the heaters, concentrate efforts on destroying them.
Are they in the forums?
Checked it, all 17 pages and every list there, not many, had Joan.
Seriously. Is there a viable, competitive MO list that does NOT include Joan?
Long live the Habsburgs!!
So each of the knights of the Holy Sepulchre own a quarter of a million denarii worth of real estate in Rome??
I was coming in straight out of eight hours away from the fora I had not got to the entry about the hover/transformer/boatercycle entries yet.
Which movie version? The bike in latest one was a bit bland for my taste but the bike from the Stallone abomination I thought was one of the few...
Ah, ok, thanks, I didn’t think I had seen any others but I wanted to be sure before they were discontinued.
What box is the Montesa with LRL in? I found the combi blister and SF in SAA starter but nothing else. The only Montesa I have ever used was LT...
Why is it that whenever I think of a Knight on a bike the first image that jumps into my head is the Lawmaster Judges bike from the 2000AD comics?...
Since Varuna is supposed to be a water world I would like to see it be a Jet Ski. and now I wait for the explosions.
I haven’t played 39.5K since 3rd ed so I really don’t know but I would not disagree entirely.
Not for the sake of it, I’m not sure I agree with your comment about power but I will try to hold my depression in check until some genuine...
Montesas on bikes? Or should we just call them white scars and be done with it?
New profile for Sqalid, sorry Squalo, Mov 5-3 CC 14 BS 13 PH 12 Wip 9 Arm 4 BTS 3 STR 2 S 9 Cost 127 Skills: Inferior Camo Weapons Pistol and...
Unfortunately mt geographical location and work make 95% of the convention scene untenable and all I have ever seen in the seminar videos I have...
Is any of this info available on the CB website or only on FB or BoW?
Hmmm two Daddy Knights, Joan and a Mulebot. Sounds like a party to me. Maybe not one I would want to Forward Observe at close hand though.