@Space Ranger If you haven't already, check out the Lancer RPG: it's a P&P rpg where you play as a Mech pilot. The corebook has a lot of sick...
I mean... does this really surprise anyone??? :p
If you have the SWC, Tanko Missile Launchers are pretty ok. BS16 with a template and 2 Wounds behind ARM 3 is a very good ARO piece. The...
There's Transistor (for those that liked Bastion). Technobabylon (for those that like point-n-click adventures). I like Dex... it's an hidden...
Absolutely, I agree with that assessment and Kempeitai MSV is in almost every JSA list I make. My initial point was having both an HMG Keisotsu...
That's the Yujing CC Tax. Can we expect to have a detailed section about table composition, terrain pieces and its various interactions with the...
Interesting, out of the units you said, Yuriko is 0 SWC, the REMs are expensive tho. Don't you feel that Keisotsu HMG and Kempeitai kinda occupy...
I don't know why you feel that the Keisotsu MLs are SWC waste. I mean, in whatever other unit would you spend the SWC? Karakuris are 0s, Oniwabans...
I'd love to hear your take on the HRL Ryuken-9 @meikyoushisui and @Mahtamori as an ARO piece. I don't often see it being mentioned, and I...
Karakuris are a good piece to hold a line: Total Immune "ARM" 9 with a short-midrange toolkit of weapons is hard to trifle with. I'm also a bit...
More like Burnout 3: Takedown Crash Mode.
I like the puzzle idea! Kill as many Fusiliers as possible with the least amount of Koalas. I'd play that.
*Hidden Deployment Infiltrating Specialist that grants access to REMs for 29 points 0 SWC. The real gun is the CCW, but optimally you don't get...
Consider a Dasyus Boarding Shoting, which works better for the surprise effect. This is also 3 points cheaper which lets you squeeze a Yudbot...
Hey! Marksmanship LX is a really cool ability! Teucer Feuerbaching someone on 23s is no joke. Also, burst is king in shooting because the values...
I tend to prefer the HD+ over the AHD. For 2 more points Hacking Device Plus has access to White Noise, which is a hard counter to linked MSV2...
Why is this bad? The game has plenty good tools to deal with rambos. Also, if you make ARM values rise like proposed wouldn't this make the 1-2 HI...
The Hackable Characteristic and any Hacking Devices the trooper has are considered Open Information.
Epic ultramarines chant playing in the back. Space Marine shouts dramatically: For the emperor, you will die by my hand!!! Misses! Gets...
You can customize their cosmetic appearance freely once you build the Forger facility. This comes really early in the game and along with another...