Sure, let's look at the lore entry for the Karakuri shall we? Karakuri Special Project からくり 特別プロジェクト The Karakuri are autonomous robotic...
If they are that small for your taste, paint them as a robot high schoolgirls, then go murdering everyone while saying "Notice me, senpai"....
I think the main purpose of this sentence is that since you will automatically pass, you will not need the (formalities) roll. You can argue that...
Ok, I'll bite. Why? Because as it stands then sectorials would be literally meaningless apart from some uncommon AVA discrepancies. And NA2...
Berserk is a Move+Move+CC Attack, not a Move+CC Attack. Also, Berserk is not on the list of the valid declarations you can do with the Impetuous...
D-Charges don't generate a token. They are a weapon that can be used as a Deployable Weapon, using "Place Deployable" skill to do it. Since they...
> A Weapon or piece of Equipment that has been deployed on the battlefield will remain in play until the end of the game, until it is destroyed,...
So, you just want Yojimbo? If you want Yojimbo, take Yojimbo. If you make Musashi as is more expensive just to have smoke, everyone will not...
Depends on what you want from him. Forward Deployment could be a good QoL change. He would then be essentially JSA's Ajax, only more fiddly and...
Very very rarely. I have taken him in missions like Biotechvore, Frontline and other such missions that tend to pull both armies towards the...
This doesn't amount to much when in N3 you could have an absurd amount of orders. Also, because that was the case in N3 and because the way crits...
Thank you!
Alright, help me out with my stupidity here: If a model acts up, my dude far away can declare some ARO (that we will find out is illegal in...
Probably the only miniature I'd allow to have a Portable Autocannon on JSA (Panzerfaust would fit and is much more JSA's tech, but wouldn't be as...
You made me spit my tea!!! Take my like! This shit was hilarious.
Although situational, Cybermask is quite handy for a Ninja to go through Mines and Koalas alike. The order consumption is a more tough question to...
More like 100% of the time... he's just 18 points and fixes so much of JSA's early game to mid game. He's just a god-tier trooper. Kuroshi also...
The problem is that you are dragging 4 idiots that will die to the slightest of breezes. And Tanko are so dirt cheap that it's really hard not to...
For the sake of completion: would TI be immune to BS Attack (+1 Dam) or BS Attack (Guided) as well?