It's a face to face, as both troopers are affecting each other. [ATTACH] Eating a E/M Grenade regardless of the troop type will end up with them...
Army: Japanese Secessionist Army Troops: Aragoto Senkenbutai & Kuroshi Rider Description: Aragoto Fireteams can Duo and Haris (?), if the ability...
Yes, it is a face to face roll. As you pointed out they are affecting each other (attacking each other even, with a Comms Attack): Trooper A by...
I'm copy pasting from this thread: ARO:...
It would help a lot (at least to me) to visualize some of the lists you speak of. In particular, I would be very interested in seeing a 300pt list...
Only rolls 1 die on ARO, MA5 roll 2 dice, both on active and reactive turn. That's the difference.
Shit... I got a cold sweat as well, reading the 16. >_< In tourneys, I usually take one list with Shinobu in. Everyone knows about it. I couldn't...
Sure, but the number of targets that you are better using the E/M instead of Monofilament, or shooting them in the back with 3 AP/Shock bullets or...
I'm going to go ahead and say that the Oniwaban is in a awkward spot at the moment. The thing these weapons, both the SMG and the BSG, have, is...
If you let Karakuri go solo, you gain a lot of flexibility. You can do something like this perhaps:...
General playstyle: JSA in N4 got a fair bit of viable choices that there aren't any "standard core" auto includes apart from 2 profiles, imo. JSA...
I know it sounds crazy, but, I really think the game is in a better place when the Requirements of Skills must be met at Declaration, instead of...
Related to my meta: Generically speaking we see a lot of TR Bots, Flash Pulse bots, Warcors, Liberto (which works double shift as a good...
There's no other WIP14 Lieutenant+1 Order in the game that begins in Camo. Only Daoying. So yeah, that's a dead giveaway. Is the point: I can...
The Chayi is a dead giveaway this is YJ, so is the LT... xD Also, that's a really cute meme list. Other than Knauf the list has no guns that go...
The way I see Asura is that of a top tier specialist (I exclusively play the HD+ profile), with durability and good midfield firepower, because...
I think a CC camo hunter is a bad idea, I get it conceptually, but in practice what it would happen is that you would make your approach and you'd...
Things Saito can do, that Ninja can't: - Throw smoke; - Reliably destroy the AC2, the Heating Units or the Mindwipe Consoles; - The following...
Nowhere in the Tanko lore says that they are the Archer Samurai archetype. That is your and your only projection. In fact the lore says that they...
I think you need to evaluate what all the mates and bombs can give you in terms of toolboxes. For example if Speculo was able to "Oblivion" a tag,...