Makes sense. Just on this subject, a small off-topic, since it's more a confirmation than a real question and probably there is no need for a...
Wouldn't this make many sizes of steps just "unassailable positions for CC"? (just like the ones in your picture). That alone would be a huge and...
You are making quite an interesting point in saying that one way to play this game is with the "tools at hand" and not with geometry rules. I...
I totally agree on this. Since the base must be fully supported, the center of the blast will be almost half a inch from the edge, preventing any...
What do you mean with "you don't need to see a 3mm x 3mm area"? Isn't that a requirement for ALL LoF? Or maybe you mean you meet that requirement...
Guys, as Mathamori pointed out, the solution of all problems here is: in order to determine if you have LoF, one of the requirements is being able...
WOW!!! Man! I always thought the 3x3mm was something from previous editions and was nowhere on the N4 rules! I just found out from your comment...
Of course you can can and here's why it's hard to figure out in real. You see a line that belongs to the surface, so you see an infinite number of...
Frankly, I think "it is always been this way" is what is biasing you guys here :) But the devil is the details. I agree the rules only tell us...
In reality, of course, I agree with this as well, but we cannot have AT ALL people arguing on how rounded an edge is, it would be fully into...
We are not saying things that are so different. I am saying that the rulebook does not have this definition of the roof as been "the surface...
The point is the edge of a building is ALSO part of an horizontal surface so it abides the definition for being a target as it is written under...
I remember reading an answer about this saying it does not flow down because the roof blocks any los from the origin point to the lower ground (if...
Yeah, I didn't support that either argument either, I was only listing possible reasons for not allowing that as I understood them from past...
"This is a rebellion, isn't it? I rebel".
I fully agree. I would add that it is also important the reason "why" more experienced players beat less experienced one. Remembering tons of raw...
To me your example is part of the first explanation, the MINIMUM AREA one, since you see the line that divides the side of the building from the...
So, first of all I'd like to be understood that I am not arguing against your answer in any way, but I need to understand it better in order to be...
Well, I did all the research I could, but I was not sure I had not missed a final answer somewhere that had set the thing once and for all. To be...
I would accept any answer as long as there is a undelying rule that is clear and can be applied elsewhere as well. This one, from my point of...