This depends really more on the primer then anything else. Enamel based primers won't work (most spray can primers) on say Reaper but paint on or...
That is a pretty steep incline. I have two different printers and one has a horrible fan by default (Wanhou i3) and probably would look way worse...
Why not just print in transparent PLA then? Same effect less effort.
So the model is finished enough to take some pictures and release on Thingiverse. I'm going to dull coat it tomorrow once the enamel wash dries...
ya, the inside isn't that big really. 4 people kind of snug. This is without the molded inserts that take up probably about 1/3 of the open...
realized that since I had it I should at least take a quick picture for people. It's not assembled and I have a gap between the main body as it's...
I think it's about 50% bigger then the city hopper and would easily work for the game with a new canopy. The back is even large enough for I...
There was a logo design challenge on r/cyberpunk not too long ago. With minimal effort many will look good on acrylic. Here's an imgur...
Back from LVO, which was fun but tiring as my wife wanted stay about mile away from the hotel the con was at. Normally that wouldn't be a big...
For something like this I'd print slower, at least for the outer wall and top layer. Going slow, like 20-30mm/sec, and doing at least 3 shells...
Chlorine is what vapor smooths PLA. You don't want to do that. The two most common ways to smooth is sanding and covering over (usually a mix of...
They're gone and being revamped and rereleased later this year in the new book that's coming out.
I'm in the same group as Jherazob. Love the idea, haven't had time to make anything like it, and really like what you've got so far. One issue...
I was at LVO, Bostria said that Merc lists were not part of the 5 armies being released. So basically we're getting 5 + all the unaligned stuff....
ya its too small for a troop carrier really. I've got one and am planning on converting it into a UPS vehicle. Just need to design a new cockpit...
Looks like you have enough room to add some crates\barrels and such to those walk ways. Can't think of a barrier that would really work outside...
Ya, if you build an interior then it's fine but I don't think your average player would. Once you add in the escalator interior 49 really...
Huh, interesting. I always thought they killed the terraclips line because there wasn't a demand. Have a ton of the stuff (like 4-5 of each set)...
worked this time. Forget the name that makes that coardboard but it looks nice. I have some of the old stuff, from a different company, designed...
I'm not planning on personally using the doors. There's going to be a "release" of this on a website for free models for printing, I've included...