Sounds like more then just JSA\Yu Jing are getting affected with the announcement next week. This is from a Facebook discussion about the ad from...
No, it's intended. The Kempeitai are getting remade into a Sentai group called Guaranotors that form together to make Mecha Guaranotor. Though,...
ya, it was the implication of what "some" could mean and I think you're all right. Got to love the English languages sometimes:confused:.
Interesting. Just reread the copy and it says "Providing some new sculpts of already known units" so does that mean some repacks or just wonky...
So who else might move to Unaligned? I'm thinking the Haq Bikers will as they also don't really fit in.
Right now I'd bet money on certain JSA units being Mercs and available in Vanilla YJ. Probably not Keisotus but I don't see Ninja's going anywhere.
I think ALEPH will continue it's normal behavior of being friendly to everyone but Nomads as it's goals are not affected by the concept of...
Since it's been confirmed to be not a leak but from a magazine here's the info [IMG]
Yep and the major is the pre-order bonus. according to the info, that I assume is for retailers, it's a clean break from Yu Jing.
While that would be great usually BoW advertises their dedicated weeks for a specific game at least a week before it starts. Haven't seen...
started 2 weeks ago. More then likely they were\are supposed to go for 4 weeks total then to pre-order and available at Adepticon. And the last...
I don't like either methods. They don't have to release right after announcement but they can announce a few weeks before pre-orders start...
No matter what CB ends up doing people will be disappointed as while they want to build hype for a product (good idea) they leave too much to the...
yes as that's the standard layer height most people print in. It's generally much quicker to clean up a print, especially one that's flat like the...
One of the big things with Paradiso is that the Jungle grows very fast and reclaims unattended developed areas in months. Having visited the...
I really like the mix of urban with jungle.
I was about to ask your print speed if it took 23 hours but then I remembered that at .2 layer and 60mm/sec (80 on infill) the print was like...
Nice job on this. Saw it on Facebook and thought it turned out very nice with a simple but effective play area.
Wrong about A. Squats were one of GW's best selling armies at the time but they got rid of them as the designers just didn't think they fit. This...
My guess is full cut but since JSA would be unaligned things like Ninjas and a few other profiles will be available in Vanilla YJ as any Merc...