I use to live in Japan and I can 100% tell you this isn't true. It's not like they're running around dressed as them wanting to go back to that...
It's there under Daiyokai. Duo and Harris with Domaru.
My typo was subconscious apparently. Now how to sculpt stink lines.....
I'm thinking about shortening it and adding a chain to make a kusaigama. Blade will still be too big so I'm not sure what I'd do about that. Be...
It was pretty funny watching the BoW video where the Killian fill-in was pretty unimpressed with her. I'm surprised that mounted units with a CCW...
That's new. Last we heard, which was end of January, was Tohaa were going to start being designed at the end of the year. Doesn't mean they're...
Probably. Haven't built mine yet so I haven't look at it in a while. Think I got it mixed up with the squalo which as the gernade launcher.
Good fit for the SMG section-9, that's what I'm going to do. Already have 2 of each Raiden so I can easily hit the ava3 of each load out if I...
Well he teased a new YJ army as "now there's lots of space" after saying that so hopefully that's coming soon.
I also like how named characters just count as a unit type for link teams instead of having to list them in every one. Is that new? And where...
Hah. Ryuken really decided to keep the Raiden HRL for all of us while the second one is a completely different skill set. Quite happen with...
I think you should separate removing JSA from YJ from how the message was delivered. As really there's two different issues there. Some in this...
I always took Neko as taking influence from Saito Hajime from Kenshin (not hair\face but stance and some of the background)
Because the Bakunin Suicide Squad group kidnaped the scientist and got the code to disable that just like in the old earth documentary.
The first one, Sonic Mania, is official www.sega.com/games/sonicmania
Since we're giving feed back for this situation I thought I'd post mine on this release and how CB and parts of the community handled it. First...
Sega hired some people that made fan levels for the classic Sonic games to make a new 2d Sonic that came out last year to rave reviews.
We're getting some info tomorrow in a BoW video. Generally Carlos gives a break down of link teams.
Well on the plus for all the YJ players, was just reading the fluff for the Daiyokai (Hat Tag*) and apparently the Japanese had to leave a super...
True but the Haramaki's had a good weapon selection compared to Domaru And a new cooler sculpt hopefully. Don't hate the old ones but they were...