Sniper heaven is easy to deal with. Everyone just plays snipers! "As long as the board looks cool, who cares how it plays" is my motto.
Hehe. Did you make the shampoo advert image? Also the weathering on the sign is top notch.
According to Xenforo this is a common issue caused by having mixed urls. The example they give is vs you should choose...
I finally had to log in after rebooting my machine.
Had a big post written up about complications and then read what they were in infinity which was changed up a bit from Conan and then checked...
Heh, that funny as they have superjump in the RPG and have a talent for taking less damage when falling.
That's likely the issue. It's best practice to have your session tokens only good for 24 hours. So if you don't revisit the site every day the...
Hopefully there's more in the Ariadna book we're slated to get a draft of in the next 2 weeks.
Is that an actual thing in lore? The 2d20 system can easily handle this type of negative by just making the difficulty go up. So a D1 becomes a...
Just to add a bit the RPG kind of hints that a lot of nations have treaties with either Pan-O or Yu Jing for access to the Human Sphere and such....
Seems like its now on your end and I haven't to relog in this whole weekend. If you post your browser that might help, and if you're mobile or...
So worth getting in your opinion?
Has anyone gotten graffiti nozzles for their spray cans? Amazon has a set of like 10 (male to female) for under $20 that all do different spray...
The bright table really is only going to look that bright in a photo where all you see is the brightness. In person it's probably quite nice and...
There's an openlock group on facebook where several of the designers hang out as well as people that just print the stuff. It's open to anyone,
While I like seeing pop culture things done infinity style from an art standpoint I'm rather sad they got rid of the female assault pistol that's...
Pegs will work fine if designed right but I suggest looking into Openlock which is an opensource tile and clip system. even if you don't want to...
Worked for me. Logged in last night and checked back about 15-16 hours later and didn't have to relog in.
Do you really needed them printed like that? If you need print resources there's a subreddit designated to finding printers (r/3Dprintmything/)...