Or, they start next to them. That's a thing :)
I think the real danger with that list going turn 2 is you only need to kill 2 things, the Kaeltar and Kamael.
I've had no problems putting down the myrmidons with the red fury mukhtar. It's a pretty bad fight for them.
Pretty awesome job, thanks for all the hard work!
She's been great solo for me, Total Immunity is a problem solver. That plus an E/M template is no joke. Then if she does take a wound you can...
I still think that Onyx is the best Sphinx delivery system. Purely sticking to Shas I like your second list more.
If there is one thing you can count on Corvus to do it is release another Musashi. Probably in a Dire Foes pack with Joan.
Definitely playable, it just got some great upgrades. I'm going to dust mine off and give something like this a go. 15 Orders, All hacking...
Said it before but it bears repeating. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Makauls had zero problems murdering things in CC...
Yea I'm currently working on a similar scheme for my Hassassins but not finding that it's terribly quick. You're basically painting the mini in...
Split currently but all say they will play both. They are are all Tohaa players as far as I'm concerned.
Tohaa has experienced a resurgence in my local meta. At least 4 new Tohaa players locally since the Spiral Corp release. Tales of Tohaa's demise...
Yep, played 3 this weekend and used every single one of them. Such a useful unit.
Oh, yea sorry. The 40mm "buttons" stopped being economical and the 55mm wasn't ever an option. I tried!
It helps that @Myomer is a _really_ good player. I hear it was his first time playing Nomads. But most importantly he's just a super nice guy.
I dig it, bonus points for Monstrucker usage!
Makauls don't need b.s. like this to murder things in close combat. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
Yea, agree with most of ^^ but the biggest issue is this isn't a Spiral Corps list.