Completely agree that keeping the game multilingual is important.
The unpainted cads are available here:
I woiwosay she can't trigger that switch, or take the bounce if it is Silenced or the target is dead.
Aristeia is very conversion friendly if you have the hobby chops for it.
Aristeia Tournament 2/23 Noon-6pm Come by and play some games of the Ultimate Sports Spectacle at Dream Wizards! Tournament will be 3 rounds....
If you kill the enemy, I assume you cannot place next to them? Or does the place occur before the damage is dealt? Not sure if it works the same...
Looks fantastic.
@-V- I didn't see anything about this in the errata?
I Would say no damage is done, because when you reach the damage step the character is dazzled.
Are they going to sell it?
New core deck seems unlikely, and personally I think it would be a bad move.
That I absolutely love the change to the Red dice for season 2. It is so much fun!
Personally I'd like to see more skins...
Likely a token specific to that card
Yes, it's a fun little buff to aristos with red dice.
In short, no.
Try bringing state removal.
Incorrect. The blue Character occupies a space that obstructs.