Dream Wizards Rockville, MD http://www.dreamwizards.com/ July 13th, Noon to 6 Witchland, capture the flag, scorched Earth. Vasily mod.
I want a poster of that artwork.
I like the idea, but find your marketing campaign so objectionable that i am entirely opposed. RIOT GRRL NEVER
The Gaia grenade might be the biggest change in play style since the game was released.
Very timely. I feel like Hanners gets better with every new release. I reach for him and oberon almost every game now.
I absolutely love that laxmee. In the running with pirate gata as my favorite skin.
Please do, that would be awesome. I was just feeling sad this morning that there would be no aristeia at gencon. I can help you with anything you...
I think its only 7 because oberyns removes it from the game?
Id like taunt examples... especially what prysm is saying :A::A::A:
This often happens with 8ball and Max, where the Panda keeps dancing in front of him, very entertaining.
A turret would be really interesting
Is anyone planning on running any tournaments? Making my schedule :)
[IMG] Very, very cool. “This is an expansion for the boardgame Aristeia! including two characters: Gaia and Fiddler are two girls who come to...
I'm on board with Bachmann being the taunter.
I would say dart is more fragile than hexxer even with the hidden state.
I would use super glue to fix. Good luck and welcome!
Another displacer will be fun!
Aristeia is a very different playstyle ;)
Sorry, here you go: https://aristeiathegame.com/agl/event/1e9645700-agl-at-dream-wizards