So this is jumping back a few pages, but I just ran a variant of this for Biotechvore against ISS:...
One of the things I have been thinking about, is imagine CB turned around tomorrow and said they were wrong, and gave us back the old hospitaler...
My gut feeling for a list with loads of camo, is seraph, peacemaker, blackfriar and an order sergeant link, but don't quote me on that! Sent...
I have been playing around with the Harris option in lists, but I have no desire to put anything I create on the table. Whilst a Teuton core isn't...
It's a trade-off. Your team loses stealth meaning you need to move more carefully, and he is quite expensive for a one wound model that forms a...
@MikeTheScrivener It feels like the second list is stronger due to being able to tie Joan to the Santiago as a duo, which stops her going into...
I am less cut up about that than most. I feel that this is easily as solid as the old fireteam variants:...
@Lightforge those are absolutely stunning, I have seen pictures of the Knights before, but not the seraph, those are amazing! How did you do the...
So I have a game of firefight coming up, what do people think to this:
God it's difficult to write a good list for Highly Classified. That was the first time where I struggled due to the Lieutenant options. Problem...
Same. I tried the hospitaler link a few times, but tried to avoid it. Heck, when I did play it, I always proxied the hospitalars with Santiago's!...
Oh god, I didn't mean do it immediately! I figured it was one of those things that would get done when it is done. But I don't think we need...
I would just rewrite and edit the old one, with a disclaimer saying the first however many pages of comments are about an older iteration of mo....
The Santiago sculpts were what got me into military orders. I saw them one day and drooled a lot, and my partner got then me as an anniversary...
I need to learn how to use him to do that. Coming from a nomad background, I was always spoilt for mid table control, but it's something I know I...
You see, I think the Supulchre requires a slightly different thought process. The Sepulchre actively rewards you for getting your lieutenant...
Bloody hell, Father Knight "fire teams" are brutal. I just ran the below, and it was crazily good....
I genuinely think people are underestimating the sepulchre coc. A high wip, tough specialist, capable of acting as a beat stick or whacking...
Is it really bad that everytime I see this thread flash up, my mind reads it as "Santiago's gone wild"? I don't know what is wrong with me...
Interestingly, not a single list I have built in the new mo has a tofo in it... This concerns me, but our new specialists are surprisingly good....