I used to play Igao as proxy for sukuel I like the mini but not playing it often..
Here is the english part of the forum, you get more chance to have response in the spanish one :)
It's one normal save with Total immu .. same case as for DA+AP ..will only make one save I think you didn't own that karakuri ^^
Well Your list is playable but lack of heavy weapon alowing to deal with HI. Maybe a sukuel ML whould have changed the issue ? or a HMG ? or a...
And Nikoul some times save me in active turn. We think at him as an aro provider but even in active turn he can be really helpfull once he leaves...
Take both nikOul and Gao rael :p Nikoul have always be one of my good piece. Within an active stratucloud he is a beast in ARO.
back from my test game... I affronted a fireteam of zuyong with a Haidao vms multisniper (in good range without cover 2dices on 19 in cover 16 +...
It was not to encourage anyone doing this in reality (May I talk about not encouraging at taking a missile launcher and killing people in reality...
Do you often take karakuri on their own or in haris fireteam ? I quite struggle to fit to 6 swc and make a list with enough orders with all these...
Hello ! I might have miss some things so I’m looking forward to have some advices from experimented JSa players on this particular scenario. I...
Well aragoto doesn’t have smokes that a point but they re cheaper and zondbot can ve very nice I presume but worth his 5points price. No one say...
UPDATED 12.08 JSA Yuriko Oda, Kempeitai : Make them wildcard. Domaru : important trooper need much changes. Lower spitfire SWC price from 2 to...
Lightsg is gold on that kind of profil, and was really missing on the other profils ! I ran often speculoo and must say that shotguns are very...
During deploiement when you field 2 chaksa aux + 1 hmg neuro (tagma). You have two choices : - making a fireteam then you have to declare the...
Is it normal that the bashi bazouk (coming in AD parachutist) still is shown on public information sheet ? To me it's just a bug
All troopers with stealth are hard counter ...
in reactive turn Al'Hawwa hacker in active turn E/Mauler with a bashi Depleting order pool Bring someone in CCto glue it Use smoke+ Djanbazan HMG...
Noob question : is it possible to mix an azrail with a wildcard (duo fireteam) ?
Al fasid can’t be in fireteam