Please had deployable repeater to clipso or give access to one croc man. We totally lack of repeaters in mid field and given the importance of...
i think ap spitfire on anaconda is way better for dealing with tag
Army: spiral Troop: aelis Browser used & Operative System: firefox pc / ios app Description of the bug: not showing haelis as a wildcard when...
her basic price just dropped by 6 points to only 35points, she has 3 wounds and a great basic loadout with breaker and PZF For that price you...
Ahh i’m not in dahshat compagnie oups :X I need to get more familiar with n4 changes
knowing how to handle HI and TAG is quite essential in n4 ^^ I think we can have many em munitions available and now that every em is n3 em/2...
And minelayer without a SWC taxe allowes you to hide your helots ^^ I only wish he was paramedic too :D
I think i will regret swarm grenade, nullifiers (it was such a good tool !!!) and stratuscloud. But there are still some little specificities of...
The hulang become a viable option with the strategic command token use allowing to put him in suppressive fire Very nice profil now ! The core has...
Army : shasvasti Troop : caliban Browser : app/iOS Desceiption of the bug : caliban has surprise attack but no camouflage
Hi Got my first game with Dahshat. Most of our profils remain the same but the most important rebalancing of the faction appears to be the...
i want a dungeon keeper mission style :D
Phero booster smg versus breaker match up first pherobooster you shoot under your wip. You target your ennemy if an attack pass. You ignore...
Army: NA2 Spiral corps Troop: Kosuil Browser used & Operative System: App / iOs Description of the bug: Kosuil is missing
Hi ! There is a minor text error on greif operator the marksman rifle profil doesn’t carry d-charge in army and does in mayanet. For some...
After about 15 games, 2 tournements (1st/12 players and 3/16 players) here is my thoughts on dahshat compagny. with the same list.1 minor defeat...
Here’s a podcast speakîg about
Go play Yu Jin :P :P
Dahshat has whole chapter dedicated to his story in the last book or the previous one .. It’s a mercenary Uyghur theme. For the color scheme the...
Defending is a good thing but your list seems lacking of anything to do objectives/kills in active turn except Mc Murrough. personnally Not a huge...