How did you do the lava looking visor on the Hospitaller Knight?
I've started recently playing JSA, my first faction was vanilla, so I'm excited about using a core team. The Domaru link appeals to me, and I...
Another reason is because Knauf marksmanship lvl 1 aswell as multiterrain.
Thamks for the info. My list used Varangians, Omega, two sirious, and two gangbusters. I like the siriousbot's riotstopper but it is inconvient to...
Really it all depends on what your playing and who your playing against. I almost always run a killer hacker no matter the army and JSA have a...
I played in my second tournament and got third place, and one of the games was armory. With my only army being 0 12 I had to play them. My problem...