I expcect Jammers to not be in code 1, and to get a big rework for n4
If the father knights have now become knights of justice I wonder what other things will change in the the time jump between n3 and code1 and n4....
The problem with the linked Jammer is that Jammers are a BS attack, which means that your fireteam can all declare shoot. So then your opponent...
Say certain trooper A has Stealth and certain trooper B has a Jammer. If trooper B is behind a wall and cannot see trooper A, who is moving...
NO! There are to many Fusilirs! We need something else!
I see what your saying, but that would be confusing to put in, and clarify, in the rules, (at least from a pratical stand point). But not all...
No, their are other things to sectorials thean that bonus. While that may be the main bonus to sectorials, their is also the higher AVA and, to a...
They could make smoke go from zero visibility to -6 mod to BS attacks, that way smoke still does its job, but the smoke trick is not as good.
She must choose between the two weapons because the chest mines are a weapon
The Jammer itself is not the biggest part of the isssue, If you build a Zhanshi link with a paramedic and a hacker, then you put in the Lei Gong...
I would take away one of the gangbusters in favor of Delta KHD who can drop where you need him or drop where there is a button to press.
How is CB going to balance out the awesomness of our multiple ton minis.
BEHOLD! The time has come my fellow lovers of limeted insertion! Let us rise and dominate the 'sphere with our powersuits and big stinkin' guns!!!...
Give it Full Auto : p In all seriousness it could probally use extra BTS, extra BS, and extra WIP. I would go ahead and slap on multiterrain or...
Your wasting points on the Kinimatica and Hyper-Dynamics, because TAGS are -6 to dodge, -3 due to Hyper Dynamic; you might as well just shoot...
Yes, she is very exspensive, and hard to use in a multiple group list. But if you are running limeted insertion she is really good because of her...
I think Lang Kai will be good and fun, but he doesn't do what Hippolyta does. What I mean is that Hippolyta has decent ballistic score and a great...
Have the changes to MA been revealed? I've heard that it might be so that each level of MA stack but how will that work with MA 5?
But some stuck with us, those are the ones we have right?