Thanks. I'll try this on the next Zhanshi. But ... another stupid question: Which manufacturer ist 'Cal'? The other ones I am familiar with :smiley:
Hey fellow nomad :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, having tried the Angel Giraldez Painting Guide trying to paint the green-blue YuJing-pants today...
I think the second Speculo Killer is missing from the Collectors Box? Still a whole lot of metal ...
Often used proxies: Su-Jian Mobility Form as Transductor Zonds (Flashpulse Bot) Scarface Turner as Moran Treitak Anyat as second Moran Morlocks...
I think the two staff-Shaolin aged pretty well, the other two suffer from their guns. But my wishlisting: Sphinx or Noctifer I'd wish for...
Interesting. So Camo is the best protection against surprise shots. I think we always played this wrong. Edit: not the best … the best is still...
I may not be the rules-guru, but doesn't the Camo B reveal himself when delaying ARO? If so, Camo A can surprise shoot both models, because both...
Yes, sure, possible is everything, but why not go for the source instead of trying to cure the symptoms. If the bases are better to start with, we...
Without the last sentence I would have just "liked" it, but I don't want to play O-12. But this: Times Two. Maybe Three.
Funnily, contrary to what @Savnock said, I mostly agree very much with what you said. Especially with Infinity being swingy and requiring you to...
This is absurdly good. I especially like the faces you paint. Mine is blond and she reminds me of Anna Kournikova because she is taller (without...
Like I already said before, this is exactly what the ninja wants. Misdirection :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: From this point of view, the...
If so, there would have been a box of only Fusilier corpses available ... and I would have bought it.
Just my humble opinion: Favorite miniatures who happen to have great profiles as well: Sheskiin - the new miniature is just great and the...
Except for Richard Quinn, who ... is carrying all the mags the other troopers don't carry ...
Yes, I thougt about this as well. But from SoF, Kaplans, new Dronbots, and the Securitate Feuerbach ... the SoF Box is the least new one and ......
Since almost everyone seems to forget that it's doubtable that brand new boxes will be included, my guess is: SoF-Box Avicenna CSU BSG Akalis...
I don't think this will be the list. First I doubt they will include their brand spanking new Dronbots in a repack and second ... where are the...
Play it the cheap way, deploy a 5-man-fireteam. They don't even have to spend the one order you mentioned to negate every f*cking mod.
Why not the Bandit? With a Name like that, he/she seems to be predetermined to ignore structures of command.