Back on topic ... what have we learned from yesterdays video? Sixth Sense is working like in N3, countering surprise shot for fireteams, which...
I'll hold my final judgement till I have seen everything. Till now I am still sceptical. There are many things that have to be considered. Active...
I bet with White Company we'll see the next batch of these this afternoon. The only thing I am wondering: If CB wants NWI+Shock Immunity, so...
While it is right that faction balance can not be judged yet, with only around 6 O12 units published, I think comparisons between these units are...
While Jammers will be changed, yes, you are right, I forgot about this. Makes me even more skeptical. Add another "very" please...
After having watched the Starmada Profiles Video I am VERY (very, very) skeptical that N4 will solve any of the problems I perceive as problems....
Thank you. Are you waiting for my request? If so, tomorrow I'll ask another 3 hours earlier :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Could we get the next video somewhat earlier than yesterday? In around an hour would be nice, then I could watch it in my lunch break :smile:...
While I only see one nomad character or unit at all with NWI, Kusanagi and a rogue Myrmidon, who is pretty new (not counting Wild Bill), it will...
Maybe it works a second time: Can we have the seond video, please? :smiley::smiling_imp: (at least I thought there are two videos a day …)
Where is my video? :speak_no_evil: How is this supposed to help me to endure another way too hot Monday? (PS: just kidding, but hitting F5 every...
Yes, I agree with @Modock and I have to say I don't even like the picture very much. I don't like the shoulder pads, I don't like the head, I...
While I agree with @Solodice I think it could be possible that early N4 is focusing on Navy-style armies. We have Starmada (silly name) and...
I doubt it can move in the old Soyuz modules Ariadna is freeing from dust right now to get Kosmoflot starting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:
Bluecoat is easily the best of the models (IMO) although I don't know, why Kroenen would work for O12 ….
That's how stereotypes work. And somehow they must have come into existence. But I really don't want to insult anyone. I would have said the same...
:joy: Sorry, but if your prices are only around 40 to 50% of CB's store prices then it at least sounds dubious. Because normal shops (be it...
This are Nuada's Prices :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I already suspected the miniatures fell of a truck or something like that :speak_no_evil:...
Erm…. to be honest, I think even in real life every biker is a lunatic with a death wish :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: SCNR
Too bad there's no facepalm-Emoji … yes, C … V … next to another. Sorry :smile: