I put the focus on the "you": YOU cannot benefit from pressing a console multiple times, but your opponent can. Both versions are unintuitive in...
I prefer taking most of my points in cold- immune TAGs and heavies, and playing for the Datatracker. I believe this is incorrect. According to...
I wouldn't be so sure. Well, I mean they could be enhanced by a suit rather than by an Lhost. If you take the servo-muscles of one of the 4-4...
@Arkhos94 , yes please.
It's a pity we don't have a mechanical definition for "status", since that would answer most of this question. But if the link between a...
That's disappointing, without that a model with both would actually have some interesting mechanics: reveals which one's real at the start of each...
I see, thank you. So a hypothetical holo2 impetuous model would have some spectacular antisynergy. And when converting an Irregular order with a...
I'm certain that how many orders you have is open information, although I can't remember exactly where it says so. I also think your opponent...
I think mixed PanO is a better place for both the Seraph and Joan, since they won't be receiving as much support from a link as they will from...
Because of this, with good heavies and hidden deployment, I think PanO is the only non-sectorial faction worth playing into Biotechvore. Although...
@Spearhavok, Some designs of Silhouette are made to be mounted on top of a base (either a miniature style base or slotting into another piece of...
Unfortunately being facing the attacker won't help, since the MSV troop will just move again next order to force a Change Facing before shooting....
@Section9 So spec-ops can only ever be played at 12? I'd assumed that was the same way "all games are 300pts ITS, no Mercs, no Spec-ops": a...
The first thing I see is carrying a melee expert in an Invincibles link. EXP+Mono with CC24, MA4 and the option of supporting models for ludicrous...
Something I'd like to see is fusiliers getting a profile with marksman rifle and MSV1 for ~14-18pts. With a lieutenant option with advanced...
I'd probably take something like this: https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_101.svg...
Ah, I wasn't looking at a broad enough rule. Thank you.
The situation is this: My model shoots a target which is standing partially within a terrain zone, let's say a nimbus grenade, but there's a line...
Here's my attempt at a mostly fusilier list: https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_105.svg Varuna Infantry Division...
For Varuna I don't especially recommend the Fusilier SWC box, since the heavy weapons in your links will be on kamaus and ORCs. You'll often want...