Yes, Croc is very useful and it's the only source of mines for Varuna, with it in my lists I was quiet during Acquisition and Eng. Deck, anyway,...
A great BR, it was an excellent tournament with a good 3rd place, 5 matches are really a lot, It's hard to think straight. Some considerations...
So brothers of PanO, yesterday I had my 1st tournament with Varuna, considering that I played only one match with our last sectorial army, I'm...
Personally my favourite alien faction is this : [IMG]
Yes, and you'll become like Alexander the Great xD.
But seriously, speaking about how much money I'll spend after Daedalus xD, I want to expand my Haqq, so Ramah is a must and new units and...
Yes, no doubt, AHD are amazing vs HIs, but they're really vulnerable against KHD, killer programs are really deadly. in addition, assault hackers...
PanO in green is really strange, but I like it and your miniatures are amazing, my compliments ;).
Well, with the arrival of KHD every AHD hacker now is in danger xD.
In my last tournament one of my opponents used the midnight sun analyst to represent the puppet master, in my opinion is excellent.
Hi and welcome. I started Haqq a couple of years ago with Red Veil and Hassassin, I suggest you this sectorial army, I love it, anyway, with an...
Not yet, I believe they'll be linkable with other jannissaries, maybe wildcard? I really hope ;). Personally I love this new sectorial army, my...
Not bad, I like your conversion. I believe I'll use the new motorized 112, waiting the official model.
Well, March was very advantageous for me, I pre ordered 4/5 of the new releases, I left only the browlers 'cause I don't play NA2 xD.
Don't know but with so many ambush camo I even get confused xD
Precisely, Scout with BS and or Spets with BS :ok_hand:. The main problem with TAK are Camo tokens xD.
So guys, I want to resume my old thread 'cause in the last weeks I played two matches with TAK after a long time, was October when I first tested...
Well, I don't know if Shas will be released soon but I want to see new evil aliens in Infinity :muscle: