Ok, thanks, so this time I've to play NA2.
Maybe a stupid question, I just saw the site, Spiral is NA2 or Tohaa?
So finally Yu Jing paint set, now no excuse, I've to paint my models xD.
Puppet master and his children were cool even before the painting.
Yes, and probably is the only one xD.
You can buy the chaksa swc box of you want helots :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I've a Tohaa army so I use them to play our loyal aliens.
Good to know ;). I didn't see them in the GenCon video, but as you said, they're on the cover of the box :sunglasses:.
Well, I'd like to see a 3/4 models box but I believe we can expect only another blister, I like Vet Kazak but I really doubt i'll be able to play...
All miniatures are really good but Omega is amazing, I like its pose and a HI with ODD is very interesting. Hope to see this box in November.
I like the Taigha, they're rather massive to be S1. Are they in defiance or we've to wait another box?
The Skeletor Hulang is my favourite, now we need He-Man xD. Mowang is amazing, I'm quite disappointed about Tai Sheng, I'd have liked more an...
Mowang is an amazing beast [IMG]