This group of Shasvas hast been in stasis for three years. An xeno virus brought them out of their container. The Shrouded needs some hooded coat....
It's No longer "Fruit Ninja" - now it's "Fruit Soldiers" [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787] Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
That's what i was searching for [emoji1531] Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
Thx a lot for the hint - old Tankhunters.
Need your help for a conversion. So you know a mini with D-Charges visible on it? Every hont welcome Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
Genetical pedicure for Shasvastii [emoji848][IMG] Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit Tapatalk
Seed Solder ... ... coming out of his seed nearby his genetically own body from where the seed origined[IMG][IMG] Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit...
Chicharra for PanOceania [emoji6] with mecanic an robot. It comes a little bit late - but finally done. (painting is a little bit tough)[IMG]...
Seems that Yu Jing intelligente service is infiltrating PanO. She may be sent to PanO to infiltrate and work as an undercover agent. [emoji6]...
Fluff Question: Which Nation are the old and new Eclipse from? The name Sarah Wang would suggerate from Yu Jing? Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit...
Great color scheme - they look like have derserted to the enemy PanO [emoji848] Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit Tapatalk