Well, usually I place my markers this way that you can only cover single with templates, it gets even more fun when you place them inside...
You mean those added by SG's? Because that stuff is already pre planed.
if you want anything from KS, get 100€ game at least.
Well, free model is free models, so that's thumbs UP for CB. I do hope it all goes good, so that they might decide in future about viability of...
So, why is it plastic and not metal model? We want metal models, screw plastic, low quality...people get free plastic model...yay, CB is best...
Well, atlanta will have trouble killing anyone if she can't see them ;) Well, camo shell game doesn't actually suffer that much vs templates. Your...
My Ariadna would love to take that list, doesn't have single dangerous unit I would fear from SP. Almost 0 threat in my active turn, yea, you have...
Well, since I backed Etherfields and Tainted grail, extra minis were in minority...what was in abundance was gameplay material, hundreds of cards...
But this is not really like most big KS's, is it? Only around 10% of backers sitting on 1$. But yea, usually you have around 1/3 of funding first...
Well yea, there is nothing in my life at this moment except this KS xD...except it also seems there is nothing in yours too when you expend so...
I don't follow every KS, but just example, go look at Zombicide 2nd edition/Oathsworn BGG page...you will have 110/305 threads in their...
Okay, then please provide me with info how much people are positively talking on those sites? So why are you posting then? Xd
Well, if you have 20-30 people talking about the game on 2 sites with just reddit/ boardgames with more than 2.2 mill members and BGG with way...
We all have access to same information and can inform ourself about KS. Not really sure why random opinion of someone on internet is supposed to...
You have problem with people not liking what you like? Not sure why you YesSayers can't leave NaySayers have their fun xD or freedom of speech to...
Well, it's already shown that minis are the focus of this KS, not the boardgame...so once again, why give expansion withouth minis? Just looking...
Then he should sell minis and have game for like 30% of the price tops. Preferably even try to find someone interested in minis and not in game...
Since campaign ends in 10 days, if he pledges money now he can't downgrade in January, since money is already collected. So with shipping...
Well, it's quite common. Sometimes people like to go all in, then when all in proves to be too much $$ and you see they just wanna milk you,...
Damn, that's a lot...you kinda do forget about it over the years. Well, more important, how much of those 1271 OP has are painted? xD