I don't know if I would go as far as "exponential" -- it's definitely better, but we're just talking about an extra 5% chance to force an...
The Igao's CC changes are a wash, or potentially even a net loss. His CC went up by one, and his PH went up by one, but: most midcost units in...
If you have it up in a repository somewhere, I would love to see it. I noticed that you had mentioned it once before and thought about asking...
You can have one of each, per the Assignable trait.
Woops, I misread his BS Attack(+1B) modifier. That actually means he's even better at shooting now, since he got Mimetism, and he's still a...
Alright, I just wrote the world's messiest Python simulator for just calculating the outcome of a f2f roll, which you can see here. If my code is...
It's definitely a meme list. Anything that can possess one of your TAGs can just throw it at the other two and it will probably come out ahead....
Atalanta is a huge winner here (though was already released), even coming from a strong position. Marksmanship, BS Attack(Shock), BS15 (she...
I will say that the longer I play this game, the more I regret not taking more probability courses in my undergrad.
Has anyone run the numbers on the Continuous Damage? My intuition is that: Against low ARM targets, it won't actually make a difference, because...
This is just a style choice, it's easiest to keep that information consistent across all armies/profiles.
NCA before the Bolt rework was definitely like this. Your options were "Swiss Guard and Hexa supported by Fusiliers and Botspam" or "The same...
You can trade the Minelayer Regular, Sapper Regular, and Tech Bee for a normal Regular, Bagh Mari MSR (w/ Minelayer), and a Warcor. It's a bit...
The quick rundown is: Regulars: 0 SWC for FO and Minelayer/Sensor, 7 points cheaper for Fastpanda/LGL/HD Agnes: Got wildcard Machinist: SAA...
Yes and yes!
One last one before I need to be done, the Gorgos pilot got a BS buff (BS13) and now keeps the entire loadout of the Gorgos when Transmuting....
oh, and sad news, Makauls lost stealth.
One other cool note, the Kriigel + 2 Reex Triad is available to vanilla Tohaa now. I don't know how much mileage we'll get out of it because...
MRRF Change Rundown: Paracommando: HMG is now an AP Spitfire, and they got a new FO Fat1 BSG profile, there's also a new SMG Paramedic. Default...
Steel Phalanx rundown: Acmon: CC buff, gained Tac Aware, gained Wildcard Dactyls: Cheaper across the board, no more SWC cost on Flammenspeer...