That's way beyond the pale. She's competitive at 8-9 points if regular, but 10+ and you just take the irregular profile and put the difference...
I mean loadouts, not the chassis. Taagma get NA2 Specops weapons instead of Tohaa Specops weapons.
If they're a Tohaa sectorial, give them Tohaa spec ops loadouts plz ;(
It might be a little too good because you would probably have to give the Delegate a regular order, and that would probably be the cheapest...
Yes, I already replied in the bug thread to the original update post to ask if this was a change for Spiral or an error. I would recommend...
Is this note supposed to be in Spiral Corps, where Kiiutan are AVA2? Or just in vanilla, where Kiiutan are AVA1?
I made that analysis in terms of his active turn ability. I was never arguing to throw him in CC at any CC units. Most CC specialists can do...
@infyrana That looks fine to me! My thoughts haven't changed significantly since I wrote this except as mentioned above in November.
I have not, and I am going to keep a close eye on this thread because I really do want to know what to do with him. My instinct is that you want...
I am not the one who had to bring back a thread from nearly two months ago to try (and fail) to dunk on someone else. But seriously, you can't... Nah, I'm out. I'll just go back to ignoring him for the sake of my forum experience. If the...
No, that's a good strawman of my reasoning, but let me lay it out so that it's very clear. Context is important. That is exactly the reason why...
Dude, really? If you have a problem being called out for using racist terminology and then get offended when people call you out for it, maybe you...
If you want to hash this out again, take it to my DMs. Don't derail the good conversation here because someone called you out for using a term...
This is an incredibly apt observation. The same can be said for Nullifiers -- we finally have metagame features that would make them a really...
The Grenzer did get Marksmanship on one MSR profile. It's a little of Column A and a little of Column B here. Jammers were just a small nerf...
It has more to do with how many orders you can put in one group now. At the most extreme, an Avatar packs 4 orders (Regular, Tac Aware, 2 LT) into...
I apologize for my comment being long-winded, but I feel like just explaining the value I see in the Igao isn't going to make as much sense...
Command token to reserve two models and then dropping a Kiuutan and a bomb Kaeltar seems pretty scary to me, though it's also pretty telegraphed.
Hey everyone, now that N4 has been out a while, I'm looking for some feedback. After looking at what people are actually taking and playing, I'm...