I really like your arctic base! Can you share your magic method? Look forward to seeing models on those bases :)
Amazing work! Love the battle-worn Daiyokai
Here's the big guy Mr Beg! I learnt a little about my new matt varnish: I need to water it down a little bit! Unfortunately using it straight from...
Still riding the wave of momentum from finishing Maggie version 1 (aka Bulbasaur), here is my progress on a bike. But who's riding it?? [img]...
I love how you differentiate the camo troops. Great idea!
Thanks all for the kind words! Under the tutelage of the expert painter in my parts, the visor/windshield went through many iterations - I'll...
Round and cuddly, incoming: [img] [img] [img] [img]
Great so far, excited to see them finished!
Super table! Where did you get those tall advertisement poles?
Great idea! I've assembled the model like this, with the right arm twisted up, but totally failed to put marks on the base to show the movement....
Very good point! I totally failed in basic arithmetic and didn't realise the actual release will be long after getting profiles.
I'm kind of disappointed that we need to pray at all. I think it's a missed opportunity to not have profiles public when the pre-orders are...
I see they're up for pre-order, but any news on the stats?
I played a vanilla Haqq list in Biotechvore relying on lots of infiltrators to make the ph-3 roll. None of them did. Totally screwed with my turn...
@Zeidan No need to apologise for heterodox English - I appreciate you took the time to explain, thanks! Good idea, I'll try and find some smaller...
@Zeidan I don't understand, sorry. Remove the arms and then?
An old Magariba which I'm trying to pose in a way to show movement from side to side. What do you think? [img] [img] [img]
Here it is! I tried to have it sliding from right to left, leaning down and leveraging its HMG. I had to adjust the legs big time, and in the end...
Appreciate the walkthrough for faces - I'll try it myself now! Lovely work, the transitions on the Kanran hair is very striking and smooth, I like...