I've taken Aida a few times, really want to make her work! I have found that in missions where units are funneling to a mid field objective, she...
Never mind, it's working now I cleared cookies :/
Using Chrome I seem unable to open the weapon chart via either the top right button or the "BS weapons" text on the list. Hacking chart and other...
Helots vs Daylami in the battle of the irregular speed bumps :D Look forward to seeing them! @Section9 - Snipers in the active turn, do tell me...
What's better for ARO duties, 1 Lasiq Viral sniper (25pts, 1.5SWC), or 3 inferior infiltration Panzerfaust Daylami (24pts, 1.5SWC)? Now I can find...
Painting time is such a premium these days (young family), I'm keen to pump out my models so I can play with them, rather than practise with other...
Don't know enough about Spiral, but you're relying on smoke to allow you to get past enemy AROs. I would be more comfortable with a high burst...
Agreed. The Camouflage lvl. 2 skill (NFB) allows a model to enter the Camouflaged state (-3 BS modifier). Camouflage lvl. 3 skill (NFB) allows a...
Super interesting. Thanks @maru ! The Joan example was very helpful, I understand what you mean. I must say, this is a lot of theory. Looks like I...
I *bows head shamefully* don't even think about the light source that much, just whack on highlights where I think they look cool! Yes airbrushed,...
OK I've tried a couple of new things here: 1) Rust effects on the Azrail to showcase their outdated armour. 2) More elaborate effects on the...
Ditto! Really excellent job.
Yes likely for new players. But they will also need an engineer, so the support pack is also something newer players will want to buy, perhaps?...
I agree, it definitely looks like a medkit/medjector/whatever it's called. And it's certainly a shame, I was looking forward to it but there's...
Super interesting. I'll definitely work on the weapons - fortunately the next models on the paint table are 3 S5 HI so I have a large canvas to...
Here is a Krakot stylised as Goku, and Uhahu who I'll use as a HVT! Wish I has removed the goggles from the Krakot before sculpting the hair, with...
Loving the green on the blades - really nice colours here, and wonderful painting!
@Vaulsc is a fan of Table Top Simulator - check his video out: [MEDIA]
Amazing conversion and a very effective ABH!
Ha! This is excellent.