You mean like intent?
Unfortunately that isn't a fair comparison. It's not about being fluffy, it's about the spirit of the rules. You're choosing to hit and...
I'd be very reluctant to dismiss any potential issues with a rule because any problems created are niche. What if CB has been doing that all this...
I don't know why I bother explaining myself if you're just going to ignore it. The situation was presented. I gave my view on it, how I'd house...
Playing to your strengths is so common. Night Vision = turn off the lights MSV = Smoke the area Gas masks = Gas your opponent Immune to E/M = E/M...
Without removing some functionality, I'm not sure how we can make such a rule less confusing. Camo levels would probably be a little less...
Lets look at this situation from another angle. Troopers are allowed to fire non-template weapons at an enemy in CC with an ally. This carries...
I did no such thing and you're jumping to the wrong conclusions. I made a statement based on the situation described in this topic. One where the...
Also, I like the idea of my team working together and someone providing an assist with an E/M grenade knowing full well that the trooper nearby is...
Because Infinity's rules are far from perfect. Don't we all play this game somewhere in between RAW and RAI already? There are current rules where...
@A Mão Esquerda, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. It's called a house rule for a reason.
For all intents and purposes if a trooper is completely immune to an attack, the attack has no dmg value against that trooper. I'd house rule...
Smoke feels very similar to this situation. The terminology in this game is so loose, I'd let you do it.
Can the rules simply be written to allow deployable equipment and mine markers to be placed underneath troopers after the deployment phase? If...
Just to be thorough, I suppose they could write it as, 'Special Fireteam. A Rui Shi counts as a Zúyŏng for Fireteam composition but only 1 Rui Shi...
Isn't that what I already said? I also used that point to ask another question. If a rule stating a unit can "join a Zúyŏng Fireteam" means at...
I'm not sure what point you're making. I was referring to the fact there is no Zúyŏng Special Fireteam listed that includes the Rui Shi. Leaving...
If we look at the Dahshat Company, a "Rui Shi can join a Zúyŏng Invincibles Fireteam." What Fireteam can this be referring to? There is no...
The Rui Shi essentially has identical Fireteam construction rules to the Rhudra. The Rui Shi was shown by HellLois as having the same requirements...
That single instance doesn't function like the rest. Fireteam Core functions differently than other FIreteams. It has different requirements and...