Actually, it looks like it could be easily removed/filed down to hair level. Then just make cuts to match the surrounding hair. Definitely buying...
Sakiel box? :grinning:
I used her in Vanilla with success, paired with HMG swiss (and with Crocs to infiltrate and push buttons + tech bee and warcor as cheap orders)....
CyberKokoshnik? I'd have to saw it off anyway, hate long hair on female operators.
Wow, Varuna's really getting love. Nice things for panO yaaay! See those pants on the Crocman? Looks like a diving suit the Kamau have. Attention...
I've tried out a list with Dart and Sikh spitfire as main attack pieces and a solo Bagh Mari HMG as a secondary one and I must say it played out...
Am I the only one who thinks this got reeeeally overcomplicated? We're talking about far future and infinity lore defines PanO as a "melting pot"...
Still, it would read much better as "In this case all figures that are replacing holoecho markers must represent the same troop profile and must...
Thanks, man, but what about "zeee model" thing and the "trooper type" thing? to replace the model with others from the same army possessing the...
This is the hardest part. It's written in a very confusing way, to say the least. ... these figures must represent the same type of trooper as...
I don't understand, if he's not a leader, why drop him from the team? He alredy does not provide a regular order to the pool, that's bad enough....
Speaking of hacking dominance and Isolation (one of the reasons why HI suffers so much now) - from the fluff point of view it's really strange...
What about grenades then? They are not BS weapons, so...
Yeah, like WHY? Logic doesn't work here. Why is a more compact weapon capable of firing AP projectiles, and an assault rifle (Combi) isn't? Look...
Not quite, cutter has 3 lenses, like ninjas.
Motto: Under the Sea And if you seek vengeance All you need are instruments of pain You need your Combi + LSG? check. AssPistol? check. +1 BS?...
Fusiliers in Varuna would be soooo bad... Also with this amount of camo / visual mods (Kamau, Crocs, Zulus?, Helots?, Cutter, Bulleteer) I doubt...
Ok, no obvious signs of smoke for now...
Where does all this "your faction has so many advantages" come from then? Besides pano i have usarf and jsa. Two sectorials that are pretty...
Oh, okay, people, he's just another pano hater. Move along... Don't waste time. On topic: I honestly think that there should be more specialist...