"Morgan is a consultant on the show which, if all goes well, will run for five seasons. He has said in the past that he is done with Kovacs, but...
Since I am a theater nerd and watched it with my bestie, who is a very serious theater person, we both love that, when they do season 2, [SPOILER]
I love how it's a setting where race and gender are as irrelevant as what an ant's opinion of your underwear could be, but we still need to make...
So far (just finished episode 2, about to start 3), I am enjoying it. Visually, it is delicious. The story hasn't grabbed me yet, but it feels...
Wait, we're speculating here? I thought this was a recipe swap board!
For me, Trek was about the philosophosizing and whatnots, so I liked that in TNG and Voyager had more of that than DS9 did, in my estimation. As...
I enjoyed Abrams's Trek, but disliked it as Trek. I liked Voyager, but not so much DS9. I like all of the new Star Wars stuff. The EU stuff...
I think the yellow looks better.
So, as @chromedog noted, Disney didn't fucking do that. In fact, that shit started with the fucking prequels and Clone Wars before Disney was ever...
That would be the EAG (Eagle, Anchor, Globe). That's what it's called and they put it on literally everything (been there, done that ~ish). Also,...
I can't bring that in here and risk that you sign the wrong one! And it is a petition to have The Last Jedi removed from official canon. The...
So, I started a better Last Jedi petition. Have a look, maybe sign it. Let's enjoy ourselves....
It is definitely a thing I'll probably try to do once I get a new Joan.
On the topic of eyes, its the one thing I can't paint. I fielded Space Marines all in helmets back in 3rd Ed 40K so I wouldn't have to paint faces...
Personally, I like it being two sets of arms for the same weapon. The one thing that put me off of Infinity when I first started looking into it...