Did posting links to non-partnered terrain/miniatures stop being against forum rules?
10/15mm Infinity would be awesome.
And I think that's where CB lost me when I first got into the game. There were models I loved the profiles for that I, hands down, would not have...
Who needs boundary checks? Well, the US, obviously. We should build a wall! Wait, that's borders. Nevermind.
I actually thought about tagging you after I had made that post, but had to go and figured you'd end up in here :p I didn't think about just...
They could do alternate arms/loadouts for specific troop types and do them as a blister/box so you can't just get a Spitfire load out for the Orc,...
They could also use it to make, I don't know, alternate arms/loadouts for extant models. That would be cool maybe.
hashtag true facts? :angel:
I think it should be the only option.
TIL: The Varuna starter will be the next box to get added to the pile of things I'm not going to paint anytime soon >.>
Yeah, I made a lot of my theater friends watch that. Ended up looking the actor up because I want to see him in other things. Dude was amazing.
Just quoting so you see it twice. Not only does Section know what he's talking about, he's also right, even!
Is this the part where someone shows up and makes the thread about food? We haven't done that in a while.
And White Dwarf started as a D&D support mag before Warhammer was a thing, and that was just D&D backwards, as D&D evolved from a larger battle...
So that's why they call them Moderators?!
This isn't even remotely new to the game. Infinity has ALWAYS been about the game growing, evolving, and changing. They've been pretty clear about...
Suddenly, my pants have stopped fitting.
"So what if I killed this dog, it's not like I killed a baby!"
There was nothing during the credits; the movie just lets the ending settle on you. After the credits, you see Fury and Robin from HIMYM...
Both seasons are on Amazon Prime if that's a thing you have. I also just buy the seasons flat-out so I can watch them whenever I want once the...