Spider-Man doesn't have to be white and, in fact, one of the best movies last featured a Spider-Man who wasn't white. Peter Parker, however, is...
I am currently addicted to Warframe. Also, AC Origins & Odyssey both were on sale for, like, 70% off, so got both of those.
Massive derailment and tangents are what we do here, man!
Solutions to remember for the future. Health insurance and how it works is one thing I know precious little about. You want to fuck around with my...
You should have them put down. And then adopt their dog. Also, on topic: Healthcare in the US, or, having your doctor say you were diagnosed...
I may have found a unicorn themed dice KS, so, uh...I'm didn't make that resolution, you see...
I will paint at least one miniature this year.
Pak was USAF intel and it didn't sound like a thing I'd heard before (know him IRL for, like, 18 years).
[IMG] Fried food or cookies, I'll leave the topic to follow up to you. I'm a sucker for any sort of time travel or immortality plot.
So Fallout76 is out and I may have started that on the Xbone. I happen to live around where Fallout 3 takes place and my friend is from the region...
Gentlemen, need I remind you that when we go Off Topic in here, we are to talk about fried foods? Get your shit together. Now, on the off topic...
Not going to count D&D as a mini's game, so: Dropzone Commander & Dropfleet Commander That's it. That's my list.
I play them on iOS, don't know if they're on Android.
Part of CATS requires other active players for one game mode that's a group effort (not multiplayer, per se, but it requires other players to be...
They did make Monopoly fun, only they called it Settlers of Catan when they did it.
So, thread title is pretty obvious, I guess. What games do you guys play on your phones? I am currently addicted to CATS, which is a game about...
I prefer calling them fart-sniffers after that episode of South Park, like, a decade ago. Also, it is not a New York magazine, it is a New York...
I'd be interested in Kill Team if there weren't already a much better skirmish style game on the market >.>
Wait...where are these free 40K rules? When did that happen?
I drink some Russian Imperial Ales, but I don't think they're imported, I think they're domestic and it's just how they're brewed.