So against a Kamau, its 4 dice on 11s vs 1 dice on 13s?
The bashi uses its own irregular, so no big deal here. The liberto, I often reposition him a little. I tend to use them just as aro pieces but...
The thing with Dhashat is I feel I have all the tools in my belt. My specialist list has mcmurrough and a Haris hmg zhuyong, backed up by a core...
Easier! Let's take the aleph route, light infantry, nwi, shock inmune and arm3! It already exists and covers all our needs
You could have two of those triads. For offensive, you can try sukeul k1, if tags is what you fear.
The problem shooting on 9s is the avatar and the cutter shoot back on 15s...
In spiral you can play a BS12 MSV1 HMG spec ops in a tricore. It allows us play something different with spiral
Can you have both bomb and mate in the same miniature???
But everything the Kiel saan does objective wise, neema does it cheaper...
Hey guys. I have an upcoming tournament soon and one of the missions is Highly Classified. I struggle finding a list that I like. Any suggestions?
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Hey guys. I've been playing yu Jing for a long time but recently, I realized I've never considered ninja to be a suitable cc specialist. Their...
Bueno bueno bueno, mi tercer interplanetario, primero como jugador. Llevé mis Tohaa y me encontré de bruces en el Kraken... me lo pasé realmente...
I tried again the same combo: nikoul + statuscloud. This time I faced an HMG Intruder so again not the ideal match-up. I'll keep testing it.
General list with one special operative and two chain of commands? Who's doing classifieds?
Today I used the combo nikoul and statuscloud from the specops. I faced shasvastii and a sheskin was hitting me on 3s and i was aiming at 12s....
Would you mind sharing his list? Thanks!
I think I already mentioned it but, look at the asawira profile. That screams shangji for me
They're just... Nope. They don't make sense, they can't be mixed in other triads ( would be sort of interesting in a tricore) and they are sooo...
Ese Shang ji con subfusil me encantaría. Igual que un zuyong subfusil, please. Poder tener ips de 23-25 pts ayudaría mucho. Sigo pensando que nos...