Losing them in ASA way is quite acceptable.
Or drops HMG in favor of second Zweihander. Which he will dual-wield with the first one like Barbarian in Diablo 2 :P
I have a feeling they will get mixed link similiar to Varuna and ASA - base fusilier link + some MI (Bolt or BF) + Orc or Aquila.
Well this change makes sense on so many levels it's real shame CB haven't done this. Both profile-wise and rule-wise. Even miniature wise as...
Jagged Alliance 2 may be good, featuring turn based combat, mercs, light RPG elements, various weapons and cover mechanics, even something...
If you plan to rampage with the Bulleteer in second group, it may quickly run out of orders. In such case, consider swapping it with EVO maybe.
Haven't decided yet, we will probably pick something random and just try to make it work :) I figured this one could be quite balanced. I plan to...
Is this any good? I plan to try it next saturday, keep Overclock on all the time, if possible. That would be my first game with ASA. I see core...
Take care to avoid leading spaces etc. (other weird characters you could put while copypasting / typing) and try incognito mode in your browser.
I would say it's beacuse of all the utility those bring along with Zulu-Cobras sensor and repeater net for Fusilier Hacker.
Well NCO is useful, which is massive change :)
https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_103.svg MO7 (Dart & Knightly Friends)...
So in case if MO we're 'forever TO MSR', or there are other options? TR REMs? And then again I need to save those points at the expense of my HI...
I used those specific units in example to show how cheap and potentially disposable units turn to be extremely valuable orders in LI.
Let's assume I play MO, HI-heavy list with Fugazi, Warcor and some Magisters on ARO. I go second and lose 1 Magister, Fugazi and Warcor due to bad...
It's priced okay for 13 BS 3 ARM 3 BTS MI combat jumper, but it may feel much considering LT tax and general price of HI units being foundation of...
This list seems to be illegal - AVA on Fugazi is 1 in Military Orders. You meant to add there Mulebot for sure instead?
Actual phrase and used wording is pretty much open for interpretation. What author meant behind it is different thing.
I've dropped the Haris in favour of support: [img] MO5 (TAG LI) ────────────────────────────────────────────────── [img]10 [img]3 [img]...