I ran into multiple threads with various players stating, that spec-ops is linkable on the same conditions as its base profile. So you treat...
I guess he was just supposed to be cool 5th man for Hospitaller Core as design of mini is very similiar. And his old design would look weird next...
Just for the record: http://wiki.infinitythegame.com/en/Special_Skills#Special_Skill_Levels Special Skill Levels Some Special Skills are divided...
I'm more afraid of situations where any other model (eg. sensor bot) manages to discover my cutter / other camo stuff and Speculo Killer or...
Nah, not really LT. Well sometimes you want to play with your TAG, no one said it's first turn. Seeing above 100 points missing and machinist...
Extension of thread 'VIRD against camo'. So how do I protect my stuff against Speculo impersonators? Let's assume that I have Cutter in marker...
Those are fins that you're supposed to put next to his feet, but I hate the look of it, so it went straight into the trash bin. EDIT: You can see...
NCA: CSU count as fusilier ORC are fireteam:core now (to be confirmed?) Bolts have total rework Bipandra is wildcard Black Friar Albedo is...
In fact, we already can. JOAN CORE - Old Joan V2 - Old Joan V1 - Giraldez LE Joan - Umbra Molester Joan - New Joan V2 With sixth miniature, we...
Palbot is Servant Rem (G:Servant). It needs specialist that synchronizes with it (either Engineer or Doctor).
It is okay, but remember that Hacking Device OS is not linkable for reasons unknown.
Well, OP asked how to beat Kazak in reactive turn and chances are as follows (assuming both are in 16-32'', in cover with full links): Veteran...
Been there done that, Kamau went down on the first order, unfortunately 2 wounds removed him from the game immidiately. But then feuerbach ORC...
What about Acquisition where xeno carrier is also datatracker that needs to stay alive ?
Aren't being Xenotech stops you from using Holo2? I once played KotHS as a datatracker and apparently you lose advantage of marker state.
I must admit that I had in mind Engineering Deck mission, where you're supposed to stick with Xenotech around objective room and place the...
We've had this information distributed between multiple threads, it would be nice to aggregate it somewhere. What was already mentioned / what I...
Only about 'restricting' access to those rules, as it seem there were no brakes for them in PanO recently :P About rest of your points - I...
Six of those are related to quite new VIRD. Three of those entries are part of new MO (which was pretty much old stuff reorganized in the terms...
Yeah it feels like recently everyone gets some of those :) At least more than half new PanO profiles. A short list of examples: Zulu Cobra -...