Veteran wildcards are quite trivial to deal with. Apart from that I agree with your point. Probably, TAK is one of the best if not the best...
Exactly because right now it's exactly in the middle, so this can help to change that I guess. Just joking, but yeah ariadna factions in N3 are...
[IMG] Kosmoflot releases this Christmas taking the ariadna spotlight. I really want to hope they will release some of the remaining TAK stuff at...
Los que son idénticos son los kaplan. Los puedes ver en uno de los cortos de animación. Kodali es básicamente Kerrigan
No me esperaba que le dedicaran un libro a kodali. Me parece más sensato dedicarle este contenido a personajes que no den tanto el cante,...
I think TAK link teams are perfectly fine, veteran kazaks are good but easily avoidable, vulnerable in reactive and not always cost efficient....
Muls already had problems but now all the variants will need to justify the 3 troop slot investment. In top of that each FO will be more valuable...
You can also check the average amount of orders by mode. Those armies are not high.
That data exists and can be checked on this forum, surprisingly for you, aleph, varuna, SSO, shasvastii, tohaa and spiral are on top, with a...
Ok, have you seen the win / loose ratio? Because the factions with the biggest win / loose ratio are not particularly known for having 15+ orders.... Ariadna ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1[IMG]...
Grunts are excellent link troops and don't feel expensive inside USARF. I usually use mavericks, t2 sniper blackjacks, foxtrots, van zant, and...
As you say marauders are not frontoviks and the ranger is not a veteran but that's ok when you consider the difference in the amount of orders for...
Yes please. PLEASE!
If that is an argument to discard an opinion then it's also an argument to discard all the opinions and comments in this thread.
You are free to not believe me. This is a forum after all, I can offer my experience with the game since the beginning of n2 and my experience...
In USARF those 20+ pts units don't do well without cheap troops and cheap troops don't do well without the 20+ pts units. USARF profiles are cogs...
No, just no. The no cap mod is not a valid argument. You are missing the point, the 15 cap is the new standard and USARF or other armies will...
As you say, your "quick scan" Is worth absolutely nothing if you don't play them. One can think that blackjaks and devil dogs are strong 30+...
What about the people who has purchased, ensembled and painted those armies specifically because they like how they are right now? Are those...