Thats the point other armies don't have access to expensive profiles to "compensate" in the same magnitude.
My question is, now that the max body count is 15. Are netrods still necessary for the game? My army doesn't have access to them and this is why...
I much rather have a proper mrrf sniper rather than knauf, I don't like when sectorials get this kind of merc characters.
The sad thing is, we are not going to get a proper rework. From now on it's going to be, band aid after band aid, like with MRRF. It's going to be...
At fist glance this is not the case at all. In N3 usarf was not a strong faction but 90% of the profiles were usable, now many of them make no...
A BJ with auto cannon is dead weight and a worse Tank hunter, at least with the T2 sniper they are valuable aro pieces. I mean, it could work but...
Welp the veteran kazak box is dead for good. MK12 has been erased from existence and all the ap rifles are T2 now, so the already existing vet is...
Ariadna / TAK Traktor mul y Kuryer App android Falta el modo guiado de las armas katyusha y uragan.
We are going to end up playing the same army with a different color.
I honestly think USARF has not been fully tested at all, at the very least with different kinds of army lists and against strong opponents like...
What I see is the following issue: 2019 win rate No extra Ariadna 46,45% Caledonia 51,22% MRRF 46,55% USARF 44,70% TAK...
Tak Scout App Android No se si es un bug pero falta el perfil minador con minas e/m
Tak Dynamo Son impetuosos, que yo sepa eran especiales por ser motos regulares no impetuosas, quizas ha cambiado Chrome Ariadna Kosmosoldat El...
USARF Ranger paracaidista No esta Chrome USARF Grunt francotirador Tiene francotirador normal (shock) + ataque CD shock Chrome
Ariadna is looking grim... USARF is even worse... Also why the grunt with sniper rifle (shock) ... Has bs shock on top... And a 2 point increase...
I think it's ok to have sexualized miniatures when they fit artistically. For example it's ok to have a cyber sci fi ninja with exotic heels and...
Sorry that part was added after the answer. Even then how is it not supposed to sell well, if you play vanilla or tak you want to play this...
At the last conference at Madrid Bostria said this: More TAK releases should happen at some point but 2021 is the time for kosmoflot. :( The tank...
It seams like a resting pose I guess, a bit strange but okeyish.
Not specifically related but here are some guns and gear for visual reference. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]