Fusilier SWC box Dron bot box x2 Bulleteer box Mulebot box Krakot Renegade x2 Joan of Arc Crocman two pack Nisse two pack
also a way to stay logged in for more than 30 minutes
[img] If Varuna doesn't have something, anything that makes me think that someone in design gives a shit about PanO then I'm just gonna play Vedic.
Tohaa are a huge chore to play against and practically every unit come with built-in attrition. That little rush you get when you land a hit is...
I think the plates on her hips are making them look disproportionate.
Well of course it will. They're not. They're fine but they need way more options. Auxilia should be a toolbox unit with multiple bot options....
It doesn't. The "joke" is that Ariadna is getting an "Auxilia" with a better "Auxbot".
carlos go to bed! you've got work tomorrow!
Hopefully when they hit the reset button it pops open and the box is inside. Historically two player boxes have been the only release for the month.
wow thanks for the explanation professor funslayer
Part of growing as a company is learning from your mistakes which appears (in some places) to not be happening. There are regularly blatant...
Bostria says something incorrect about that dossier that is currently displayed: chug until the next dossier
*a bunch of fusiliers under constant Feuerbach bombardment* "why do we even make these things if we don't get to use them?!?"
Do they post here? Get them in here.
Riot Grrls got a lot more profiles than Haris and Specialist. They gained a missile launcher and tinbot B on the BS. They also gained a point of...
Arrived safe and sound as usual.
I think they're best used in the NA2 armies. It allows uncommon versatility in factions with less options. In the primary armies, I feel like...
My friend made... this... yesterday. [img]