Montessas had better ride the most Godly hogs we've ever seen. I want them to look like something He Himself would ride on the weekends.
It seems weird but I don't see why not.
wooo oh man look at all these new posts something incredible must have happe. .. hmmmm :thinking_face::grimacing::thinking_face::grimacing:
Antenociti recommends white Zinnser's shellac for mdf. I use it and have no feature clogging issues. You need to use thinners to clean it though....
It'll be a catch-all support box: Cobra Zulu jammer, EB red fury, Helot MSR, and weaponless ORC so the five man link isn't impossibly expensive.
Didn't you already make this thread.
? ? !!? ? [img]
moving under the cover of smoke: suicidal
More like Aquila +1 SWC.
Is there a reason the "xenotech" can't just be a supply box style token that is carried and freely traded between actual units as opposed to this...
Great, thanks. Need to know if I gotta paint up these Bagh Mari what with Bravery and all.
Render unto us the missions!
[img] ah great they've alphabetized the missions [img] hmm hold on
Season 9 ITS Soldiers of Fortune: [img]
TEUCER RESCULPT NOOWW:grimacing::grin::grimacing::grin: I do not care for the Bagh. The Hacker was definitely designed first. I like the Regular...
Let's clarify this since everyone seems to be focusing on "only one profile has strategos". At the beginning of deployment you declare strategos...
Is the Marut the first unit with AVA 2 with a Strategos profile? If so, how does that work? Do you have to reveal which Marut is Strategosing?
ah wonderful can't wait to cut a huge-ass hole in my foam case to fit this thing
Just make a blister that has the Overdron's HRLs and HRMC. Just do it. Everyone will buy it. It's fine.
Bostria described the old one as one of the most iconic models in the range so I'm surprised the new one deviated so far. On the other hand, I...