more cool order dude-variants for me pls. the brother line is the weakest of all the mo stuff i feel.
I like those ideas. But sounds so much like the santiago knight. Esp. If they do get the leaked profiles. With drop skills denested a specific...
You could also use things that only obstruct lof but dont give arm. Like park benches, wooden info panels, tinted glass for bus stops. If its a...
C1 rewards heavy hitting because of its weak aro game. But shooting stuff is core infinity gameplay and most common gameplan for missions. Being...
Ah yes. Extra weapons for profileconversion cb never had an intent of producing. Sheesh can of worms you got there ^^. But as long as they dont...
Your point: I had directly referred to ccw&pistol being an n3/n4 thing. And a fluff thing. True. But i noticed how i might derail the thread and...
Silent is a nice idea i saw only 2 against me and used it only 1 myself in 2 years of biweekly gaming and the occesional tournament. I hope it...
Played nearly serpah only last year in pano vanilla. Hmg only cause of spitfre joan and spitifre hexa. Had auxilia for burning duty. This change...
Groped "heroic" joan and masterclass joan are 3+ years apart according to my googlefu. They might not even share the same base 3d model with the...
Fw on hosp sounds off. Feels more like a teuton skill if knight skill at all. First in line first to die isnt exactly a thing for the rescue...
Wuhuuu santiago bsg. That would be a nice suprise. But reads as "not for fireteams". Hmmmm. 360° double template aro would be sooo sweet. Tinbot...
Thats the old 2playwr box advice ^^. Get auxilia and jotum. Wham bam icestorm 300pts
I bet this thread wouldnt exist if cb wouldnt have 2 releases with dead bodys in the same month. Personally got annoyed when seeing it too. I...
But the list only checks for c1 only... you really didnt bother reading it huh... It helps nearly every unit of pano to give it meaningful...
C1 pretty much only hast tr bots from the n3 aro units. But they are also the most ez to deal with. Camo sniper/suprise attack from out of range....
I have given a complete faction rundown. It shows that there is value in pistol/ccw setup for most units. It also shows that its removal of either...
I plax aristea very rarly and fair bunch of times with only me providing material. So 2 players 2 sets. Not super solid on the rules but im pretty...
Camo troops with shotguns got scray. Its not " i bs20 1 unit and hit 3 more" scary. Its more a case of sneaking into position, suprise template...
Pano has very broad access to mimi-3 and -6. Best List i played had 7 out of 10nunits with -3 including 2 crocman with -6 and 2 nokken with -6. So...
And to help post opener i have gone the extra mile and took a look at every c1 pano model to show you that there is only 3 models in c1 pano that...