I can see the benfit of marksman with the new cover rules. In the past i was able to outmaneuver units in cover with j+/c+ or shooting holes in...
Just remembered the golden auxbot from last interplanetario. Caused 3 dead and 5 wounds total while the auxilia climbed into a vantage point to go...
Generally auxbots are a really good tool for beginners of pano. They bring automatic win aro without order setup and have a lot of force in...
Wet vanilla dreams. Supstituting spit akalis with nco kirpal and bolt coc with rao coc would turn them from ok to epic. This would be sooooo epic...
I like this list. Whats the evo for when you bring no ad or hidden to fake ad? Dont see a point to bring them yet over 2 mules. Take that added...
Exactly. Or drop an ad troop on the position of shinobucheatsune in this case, if its ruled she has to revert to hidden... but hidden states you...
Im well aware of that. But there is no rule that allows this. You also wouldnt be allowed to hidde deploy on a ledge that isnt the size of your...
You also run into problems with hidden if your point of deployment got occupied by something (random unit steping into your marked spot). You...
Sry. Only skimmed your text. If you want to be mean and give ppl a warm welcome to infinity, this kills a lot:...
For missionruns and when yiu want to ad drop the crusader:...
Never felt like mo cant get out of the dz. But 1 of the first things i noticed with the n4 updates is: mo no longer needs dz....
The ultimate raging mo list. This looks really fun. But i would try to squeez in a to sniper to kill any nasty aro piece before moving up.
My mobile doesnt loke the link and wont open it. Joam is heavy reliant on using her free command well. Coruage/inspiring leadership interaction...
No smart monstruker anymore? Thats just additional sadness for pano engeneering. Its still garbage for the amount of tags we can field....
Buy old jotum 2nd hand and conversion him with aleph hammerboi. Yes that hammer is slightly smaller but not much. Saves you money and you get a...
2 nokken and 2 croc. Fill to max orders. Target everything reactivly. Hide clipper prone. Sounds decent enough to work on supplies/quadcontrol and...
High tech pano deserves but wont get. *sadshootingnoises*
this list istn real right? you dont intend to run this against any kind of tournement. uff. yes it got orders, but so few bodys any hacker or...
heck you cant exaclty go wrong with auxilias and jotum :D