I'm sooooo glad I don't have to play with people that wants me to check every dice in salt and water before the game!!
I'm a dice addict and I'm not very sure I'm gonna buy any of these dice. I don't know if weight and compossition make them legal in Las Vegas, but...
What really should worry us is that seems the decision is only based on a mistake and not in testing how the unit behave in the faction. The unit...
Los de Atalaya somos nuevos en esto (es nuestro primerito día). ¿Hay fecha máxima para enviar las listas? Que esta semana estamos de probatinas...
Don't know if helps... But I'm quite happy with my siocast McMurrough. Easy to work on it, perfect details. Nothing bad to say about it.
Same here! Not my favourite mini. Bulky, static, square angles... The opposite of what something mobile should be. The sidebot, cute or not, looks...
I started with some friends when N1 appeared. The Haqqislam starter box (with just 6 miniatures including 3 ghulam, khawarij, djanzaban and...
Really inspiring! I love the work on the skin tones.
I'm afraid the scale it's not going to work. Privateer Press models are usually bigger than Corvus Belli ones and less detailed. Privateer should...
You are right! That model deserves to be used. Bikes where not a thing when I used to play, so I'm in love with the idea of using them now. And...
I think you did an awesome job!! Maghariba is a really beautiful model, and you painted it really well.
Thanks a lot. I completely agree with you about lists being something very personal. As I said, it's not my intenton to "copy" them. I'm not even...
Hi everybody. I’m new to Starmada and… let’s say I’m also “new” to the game. Even if started playing 15 years ago, with the first edition, I left...
Thanks a lot for this!! As someone who is coming back to the game, this is very useful!!